‘Big Fat Fabulous Life’ TV Star Has Weight Loss Journey Sabotaged By TLC


HOLLYWOOD, California –

One of the stars of the TLC TV series Big Fat Fabulous Life has come forward, saying that the cable channel completely sabotaged her weight loss goals by constantly providing her with food.

“I told producers I planned to lose weight. I was feeling horrible, fat, and unhealthy. Despite the title, being fat is not fabulous,” said Mary Lawrence, who weighed 297 pounds when she started filming the show. “I wanted to get down to around 165. I started talking to my doctors, and they were going to help. TLC seemed supportive, but then their wallets got the better of them.”

Lawrence, 28, says that TLC began sending her baskets of food, restaurant gift certificates, and they cancelled the personal trainer they said they’d help pay for.

“They really just wanted me to stay fat, because it is good for ratings if I’m huge,” said Lawrence. “I couldn’t help myself. When someone sends you a basket of cheeseburgers from In-and-Out, you have no choice but to devour them all. In one sitting. By yourself. While watching My 600lb Life.”

TLC representatives could not be reached for comment.



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