Ex-Subway Spokesman Jared Fogle Says He Has Been Raped ‘Over 600 Times’ So Far in Prison


ATLANTA, Georgia – 

Jared Fogle, the disgraced former pitchman for Subway, who is serving a 15-year sentence for molesting teenagers, says that he has been raped ‘over 600 times’ while in federal prison.

“Oh man, it’s really just the worst time,” said Fogle in an interview with WGHR, Atlanta. “At first the other guys just kind of roughed me up a bit, but over time, the assaults became sexual. Since my first day in prison, I’ve been raped well over 600 times.”

Prison officials who were asked about the possibility of that many assaults, seemed unconcerned.

“Yeah, it’s definitely possible, for sure,” said Prison Warden Mario Miller. “I mean, when a pedo comes into prison, he has to watch his ass – literally, I might add. These guys, they’re murderers and violent criminals, for sure. But the one thing none of them takes kindly to is a kiddie-diddler. So yeah, it’s likely he’s been beaten and raped many, many times.”

Fogle was given 15.6 years in prison, and federal penitentiaries normally release with about 85% of time served, which means Fogle will likely be in prison until 2029.

“By the time he gets out, it’s very likely that Jared Fogle will have gotten raped well over 10,000 times,” said Miller. “Frankly, there’s just not much we can do about it. Our guards are not going to endanger their lives for a guy like Fogle. At this point, he should be used to all those foot-longs, don’t you think. Oh, yeah, I guess we have some six-inchers in here, too.”




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