LOS ANGELES, California –
Musician K.D. Lang shocked reporters yesterday when she responded to a question concerning the presidential run of Hillary Clinton, and the possibility that she could become the first woman President of the United States in American history.
The singer-songwriter, who is in Los Angeles shooting a role for a TV series, took reporters by surprise by admitting she had not only met the former First Lady at various times, but also knew her “intimately”.
“We met many times during some protests after the Vietnam war, probably 1979 or 1980. I was only about 19 at the time, but Hill was beautiful, and I became enamored. We shared many of the same values about sexual equality, fighting against the authoritarian, patriarchal, male-dominated society we were raised in,” she explained.
The celebrity admitted laughingly to having “a fling” with her at the time, and acknowledged her winning the election “would be a great advancement for LGBT and Women rights in America.”
“I’m just glad that she’s out there, doing her thing,” said Lang. “I just wish she’d call once in a while.”
“Hillary Clinton has been hit by a series of allegations of being a lesbian many, many times in her career, which you would think would ruin her bid for the presidency, but apparently not,” said political pundit Michael Ross. “The more often it comes up, the more people start thinking of her as a real person, instead of some odd-ball robot or a soulless devil, as they usually do.”