Man Dressed as Clown Arrested After He Was Found Eating a Live Cat



At around 2:30 a.m. on September 30th, Greensburg police received a phone call from a worried resident saying that she heard very concerning sounds coming from an alleyway near her house.

Officers who arrived on the scene say they found a twenty-something male dressed as a clown, eating a live cat whose legs were zip-tied together. The cat was still crying for help as the individual was seemingly eating around the vital spots, prolonging it’s death.

“When the individual noticed us approaching, he started petting the cat and said ‘curiosity killed the cat, I wanted to see if it tasted like Chinese food,'” said Officer Mark Hanlan, who was first on the scene. “He was non resistant during arrest, however he did not have identification, and when asked his name he only replied ‘Furball The Clown.'”

In the holding cell, police say the clown kept calling to a female officer, saying “here, kitty kitty,” and was trying bite the cell bars. He was transferred to a high security prison while awaiting trial, which is disturbingly scheduled for October 31st – Halloween day. Police were unable to determine the clown’s true identity.

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